6 Reasons Why Adults Can Wear Braces Too

Welcome to Reese Orthodontics, your Charleston, SC premier Invisalign and Braces professional. We look forward to helping you obtain your best smile.

Reese Adult BracesMany adults think they are too old for braces or are concerned that they will be in discomfort or embarrassed by wearing braces at their age.  Advances in orthodontic treatments make wearing braces more comfortable and more aesthetically pleasing. While it is true that most people who wear braces are tweens and teenagers, it’s never too late to get a more beautiful and healthier smile. Here are six reasons why adults are making a choice to wear braces.

  1. They did not get braces when they were young. More adults are seeking orthodontic treatment for problems that were not addressed when they were kids. Although it may take longer to straighten teeth, since teeth move more slowly when we age, the outcomes may be just as successful.
  2. Orthodontic issues may complicate other oral health issues. Proper alignment of teeth will help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and problems such as articulating well, biting and chewing problems, and possible headaches and earaches.
  3. Did not wear a retainer after braces were removed and teeth shifted out of position. Orthodontists use to suggest wearing a retainer for a year or two after braces come off.  These days the recommendation is to wear a retainer at night indefinitely.  If teeth have shifted, it may be necessary to have further treatment.
  4. Wisdom teeth typically come out after orthodontic treatment and may cause damage. Since braces are usually worn before the ages of 17 to 21, when wisdom teeth typically emerge, a patient may experience movement of their teeth or an overbite when wisdom teeth or molars come in.  Unfortunately, wisdom teeth can undo the work that was done by the first set of braces.
  5. Teeth may shift even if a retainer is worn to keep teeth in place. Even if you did your best to wear your retainer and take good care of your teeth, you might experience some of those same problems as those that did not do so. This includes teeth shifting, higher risk of tooth decay, gum disease, speaking clearly, and chewing or biting food with difficulty.
  6. Orthodontic treatment was not completed the first time. If two phases of orthodontic treatment were recommended, but you only completed one phase because the teeth already looked straight, it is possible that there are conditions that still need treatment.

Our expert Charleston County orthodontist and highly trained staff at Reese Orthodontics are eager to join you on the journey to a healthier and happier smile. To request your appointment with our friendly and knowledgeable orthodontist Dr. Reese, please contact us.


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Our expert Charleston County orthodontist and highly trained staff at Reese Orthodontics are eager to join you on the journey to a healthier and happier smile.