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Cosmetic Dentistry on the Rise in 2023

Welcome to Reese Orthodontics, your Charleston, SC premier Invisalign and Braces professional. We look forward to helping you obtain your best smile.

Research studies point to the growing market for “cosmetic dentistry” in 2023 and beyond, announcing changes in what people expect from their orthodontic treatments. Dental treatments undertaken purely for aesthetic reasons can still have a lasting impact on a patient’sCosmetic Dentistry on the Rise in 2023 confidence and well-being. 

Advancements in technology have followed suit with these expectations to bring innovative new treatment designs to the budding cosmetic dentistry. Continue reading to learn more about the innovations that are making cosmetic dental treatments more accessible and effective than ever before.

Want to find out if you or your child needs braces? Visit Reese Orthodontics in Charleston, SC for leading orthodontic care.

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What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on giving patients the look they hope to achieve. This means that cosmetic dentistry has a psychological component involving the impact that dental improvements can have on a patient’s emotional well-being and quality of life. While treating oral health issues still takes priority, many clinics now devote more resources to adapting their treatments to a growing need for cosmetic dentistry practices.

Examples of cosmetic dental treatments include:

  • Veneers
  • Dental bonding
  • Enamel shaping
  • Braces
  • Whitening
  • Implants
  • Dentures or brides
  • Gum shaping
  • Gum grafts

While many of these treatments can improve a patient’s oral health, their primary purpose is to help patients achieve the look they desire. Whether straightening teeth, reshaping enamel, or repairing the gumline, cosmetic dentistry treatments build on those that clinics have been performing for decades but using new technology solutions.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Growing?

Cosmetic dentistry has been a growing field in recent years. More people are seeking cosmetic dental procedures to improve the appearance of their teeth and smile. Advances in dental technology and techniques have made cosmetic dentistry more accessible and effective. 

Innovations in Cosmetic Dentistry

The development of new technology as well as the simplification of technology that used to be out of reach of the average clinic, has brought cosmetic dentistry into the 2020s. Many clinics now offer laser, 3D printing, and teledentistry treatment options to enhance existing treatments and pave the way for new ones.

Laser technology in dentistry

Cosmetic treatments used to be performed the same way as any filling or crown – with dental drills. Now, the growing dental surgical laser industry has given orthodontists and dentists access to useful technology that is safer and more effective than traditional methods.

For example, teeth whitening procedures, which used to rely on harsh gels and bleaches, can now be expedited with special lasers that enhance the effectiveness of the chemicals. This means that less is more for modern teeth whitening procedures, which are safer and quicker than they’ve ever been.

Lasers can also be used to lift and reshape gums, remove tooth decay, and apply/remove veneers.

3D printing advancements

3D printing is an innovative piece of technology with the potential to change many industries, including dentistry. The ability to scan and create precisely printed appliances means that uncomfortable molding solutions and one-size-fits-all treatments are a thing of the past. Even individual parts for fixed appliances can be more efficiently produced than they ever could using conventional manufacturing techniques.

Aligners, crowns, veneers, implants, and more can be made to exact specifications using 3D scans. But the impact of these scans goes beyond having more precise treatment methods at the clinic’s disposal. These detailed scans can also be fed into programs that examine and project the patient’s progress through the course of their treatment.

This preview allows clinics to give patients a better idea of where their treatment is headed as well as increase their confidence and manage their expectations. This is a key component of emotional dentistry, which works in tandem with cosmetic dentistry to help providers treat patients emotionally as well as physically.


Spurred by the pandemic but enabled by the widespread use of face-to-face technologies, teledentistry has useful applications for cosmetic dentistry. Patients can receive checkups and follow-ups from the comfort of their own homes, saving time and money on travel and improving access to care for disabled patients.

Cosmetic treatments are not health emergencies, so teledentistry gives providers the ability to keep tabs on their patients without the need for time-consuming health checkups, improving the patient experience overall.

Choose Reese Orthodontics

If you’re an adult who is considering braces, you need professional advice on your treatment and payment options. For orthodontic treatments in Charleston, SC, Reese Orthodontics offers the latest technology and treatment plans. Our advanced and comfortable orthodontic treatments can be customized to suit your needs. A consultation with Reese Orthodontics includes scans, a comprehensive exam, and a conversation with the orthodontist to discover which treatment options are right for you. 

Schedule an appointment with us today to stay ahead of your oral health and receive the best possible treatment in your area.

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Our expert Charleston County orthodontist and highly trained staff at Reese Orthodontics are eager to join you on the journey to a healthier and happier smile.