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Clear Ceramic Braces Charleston, SC

Welcome to Reese Orthodontics, your Charleston, SC premier Invisalign and Braces professional. We look forward to helping you obtain your best smile.

Braces are a common orthodontic treatment that can improve a patient’s smile. However, many may worry about their appearance while wearing traditional metal braces. At Reese Orthodontics in Charleston, SC, we understand this concern. This is why we offer clear ceramic braces for patients who want a straighter smile but a more discreet treatment.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about clear ceramic braces, and schedule an appointment at Reese Orthodontics today!

What are Clear Ceramic Braces?

Clear ceramic braces can correct over-crowded teeth, bite issues, and other problems just like metal braces. They use a gentle amount of constant force to realign teeth over time using brackets held together by elastic bands.

They require similar maintenance and care compared to metal braces, though they may require more frequent adjustments. The main benefit of clear ceramic braces is that they are much more discreet than metal appliances. Those who want braces but worry about their appearance may be good candidates for clear ceramic braces.

Pros & Cons of Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces have several advantages and disadvantages compared to metal braces that patients should be aware of:

Advantages of Clear Ceramic Braces

  • Ceramic braces are discreet compared to metal braces.
  • They can correct severe bite and misalignment problems.
  • They can correct crowding and bite issues faster than Invisalign appliances (another clear alternative to traditional braces).
  • They really look amazing with colored elastics on them.

Disadvantages of Clear Ceramic Braces

  • Ceramic braces cost slightly more than metal braces.
  • They are more susceptible to damage than metal braces.
  • They can chip and wear down tooth enamel if biting on them.
  • They can lead to gum inflammation if not cleaned correctly.

Maintaining Your Ceramic Braces

Like metal braces, clear ceramic braces need to be kept clean. This means brushing and flossing after each meal, avoiding smoking  and cutting down on foods like coffee, tea, soda, wine, and tomato products. These are all known to cause clear ceramic braces to stain, which will make them less discreet until your next adjustment. If they stain, don’t worry, our orthodontist in Charleston, SC will change them out free! Practice good oral hygiene and avoid staining foods, and you should have no issue enjoying your discreet braces.

Ceramic or Metal Braces: Which is Right for Me?

Both ceramic and metal braces have advantages. Deciding which treatment is right for you depends on your priorities. Schedule a free consultation, and we will happily walk you through the pros and cons. As long as you care for them properly, they offer a discreet appearance that can appeal to self-conscious teens as well as working adults.

Dr. Reese can help you determine if clear ceramic braces are right for you. As a board-certified orthodontist in Charleston, SC, Dr. Reese will happily answer your treatment questions and let you know if you’re eligible for this treatment.

Schedule an Appointment

To learn more about clear ceramic braces in Charleston, SC, and how they can improve your smile, schedule an appointment with Reese Orthodontics today. This no-obligation visit will include an exam, digital X-ray, pictures of your smile, an office tour, and comprehensive consultation with Dr. Reese—a $275 value, absolutely free.
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Our expert Charleston County orthodontist and highly trained staff at Reese Orthodontics are eager to join you on the journey to a healthier and happier smile.
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